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Framing Floors & Stairs

Framing Floors & Stairs

Framing Floors & Stairs In Framing Floors and Stairs, Larry Haun and his brother Joe frame the floor of a basic 1,600 square foot house. They take you step-by-step through the entire process, showing you practical ways to organize tasks, streamline procedures, and handle all the right tools and materials efficiently.
The first word to mind after I made this video was: "Wow!" This video shows what can actually reach an experienced carpenter and powerful. These guys claim they can frame a house in 2 weeks. They were efficient almost to the point of being robotic. Small tap a nail, then a single blow with the hammer and goes all the way in I have yet to see, to obtain a building contractor in Hawaii (especially with a crew of only two carpenters) that in less than two months., Easy to understand, a good framework of basic principles. Get all three videos and a better understanding of the project. Even k...
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