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The Shootist

The Shootist

The Shootist A dying gunman returns to his friend for medical care in his last days, but becomes involved with a widow and her son, eventually dying with honor in a final gunfight.Genre: WesternsRating: PGRelease Date: 28-MAR-2006Media Type: DVD, Brand WAYNE,JOHN
The Shootist DVD It's difficult to watch the Shootist, knowing that John Wayne was, in fact, dying of cancer, as was his character in the movie, and this was his last completed movie. John Wayne plays a dying cowboy/lawman that has come to town to die. It is, also somewhat symbolic of an Age dying, when you see the street cars down the middle of the main drag. Highly recommended for fans of John Wayne, Western movies, and action films. Gunner April, 2008, Sono cresciuto all'ombra della guerra del Vietnam, e quindi mai veramente sviluppato un apprezzamento per John Wayne fino a tardi nella vita. Ciò non sorprende. Dopo tutto, son...
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