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Marmite 125g (South Africa)

Marmite 125g (South Africa)

Marmite 125g (South Africa) Marmite is the snack yeast spread that adds flavour to your toast, stews and gravies and South African marmite is Kosher, Brand MarmiteGreat snack spreadKosher certified100% vegetarianRich in vitamin bNet weight 4.4-ounces
Someone recommended me Marmite as a healthy addition to morning meals. I read the reviews here at Amazon and I was very hesitant to order because there was a general consensus that it requires an 'adquired taste'. After months of debating I went ahead this week and ordered it. I did what many reviewers recommended and spread butter on a slice of bread first and then spread a micro thin layer of Marmite (the butter was supposed to mellow the strong flavor and help spread the thick marmite). I spread about a pea sized amount of marmite in one slice of bread and 3 peas sized amount in another slice. The first thing I noticed was the smell, it smelled like beef buillon...
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