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ArabicXT 8.0 for QuarkXpress Desktop Publishing, Macintosh (USB Dongle)

ArabicXT 8.0 for QuarkXpress Desktop Publishing, Macintosh (USB Dongle)

ArabicXT 8.0 for QuarkXpress Desktop Publishing Macintosh (USB Dongle) Convert your Arabic print-based designs to Arabic Web-based designs or vice-versa, within one file. You can even include an Arabic Web layout and a print layout in the same file and share Arabic text content between the two.

System Requirements:

Mac OS


Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) or Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)


G5 or faster PowerPC processor or Mac Intel processor (G4 minimum)

1GB RAM (256MB minimum)

1GB hard disk space


An Internet connection for activation, Brand AramediADrop words over several lines at beginning of paragraphs. Automatic Kashida insertion using powerful Kashida algorithms. Mixing Arabic and Latin Text. Import Unicode Arabic text from Macintosh or Windows word processors. Bundled with 46 high-quality Arabic Fonts. Additional fonts libraries from Layout, including more than 150 Arabic fonts, may also be used...Desktop publishing,desktop ...
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