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Latin-Centered-Curriculum Andrew Campbell’s new book, The Latin Centered Curriculum, gives teachers and parents an interesting and easy to read guide explaining classical education, how it came about, and who its major e, Brand Memoria Press
The Latin Centered Curriculum by Andrew Campbell Basically a how-to manual on giving your child the best education you possibly can, the Latin Centered Curriculum (LCC) is a book that bases it's ideology on the education the Greeks and Romans gave to their kids. It starts out with apologetics... why you should follow the LCC, and puts forth great arguments both for it and against it's detractors. Then it tells you how to do it... giving outlines, sample schedules and in depth descriptions of the courses of study and recommended texts. The most amazing aspect of the book is that it fits all this into 160 pages... (not including the appendices) but then, that is the beauty of ...
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