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WIHA Tool Magnetizer Demagnitizer Wiha 40010 magnetize or demagnetize steel screwdriver blades, tweezers and similar tools. Box high quality plastic, shock resistant, green and cadmium free. Magnetize screw drivers, tweezers, tool bits and other steel objects as needed. When your work is finished, use the demagnetizer to remove the magnetic field. Also useful for demagnetizing tools before use on magnetically sensitive surfaces; i.e. for electronic work., Brand Wiha ToolsNo batteries or electrical required.Uses 2 C8 industrial permanent magnets.Shatter proof box is made from high quality plastic. Pocket sized 2 by 2 by 1.Instantly magnetize or demagnetize steel tools and small parts.Made In Germany - Lifetime Warranty
I purchased this magnetizer because I frequently work with products that require precision installation with small screws. One of my chores is to dismantle my barber's clippers for cleaning, but the screws ...
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