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Winway Resume Deluxe

Winway Resume Deluxe

Winway Resume Deluxe If you get chills just thinking about getting your résumé together, WinWay Resume Deluxe may be just what you need to fight those job-searching blues. With a wide selection of customizable résumés, cover letter templates, Internet job search capabilities, and simulated job interviews, Resume Deluxe offers a discernable advantage over creating a résumé from scratch with your word processor. The nice thing about Resume Deluxe is that it lets you decide how much help you need with your job search and preparation process. If you simply want a program to help you align the bullet points on your résumé or line up your education and career experience sections, Resume Deluxe will provide that service. If you're looking for more extensive help, such as a video to guide you through the interview process and to help you practice negotiating salary requirements, this application provi...
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