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Offroad Redneck Racing

Offroad Redneck Racing

Offroad Redneck Racing This software is BRAND NEW. Packaging may differ slightly from the stock photo above. Please click on our logo above to see over 15,000 titles in stock., Brand Interplay
I've seen this game on sale where I work for quite some time. Tried the demo which didn't work (kept asking for the CD even tho it was a demo). I bought it anyway and it's cool! Great graphics and lots of different tracks, vehicles, and enviroments to race in. As you progress, more tracks and cars become available. You can also collect money from won races which is used to upgrade your vehicle. Overall a well done offroad racing game. I was pleased with the type of handling the game uses. I've tried similar offroad racing games but they were impossible to control. Redneck Racing seems programmed to be fun to play rather than using extensively realistic vehicle handling. I like this. ;)
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