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Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter

Marvel  Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter

Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter , Brand Capcom

Dingoo A320 Review

So I just got my Dingoo A320 from a week ago, and after checking out a few games, videos, and music on it I thought I'll write up something. Overall, I'm impressed with this portable gaming system, though it has a few software flaws which hopefully will be improved or corrected. First the emulators, I'll rate each emulator in graphics, sound, control and fun factor, from 1-10, (1 = poor, 10 = perfect) A Note in controls for all emulators: For some reason you can't press the Y button and B at the same time, for example in mario if you pick up a shell and jump mario will drop the shell once you jump, this can be resolved by reassigning the buttons but I hope the devs fix this in a firmware update. Gameboy Advance emulator Graphics 10/10 Perfect - No complaints here. It looks exactly like it would on my g...
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