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Zandy's Bride [VHS]

Zandy's Bride [VHS]

Zandy's Bride [VHS] I saw this movie once and vowed to someday own it. I think Gene Hackman is one of the great actors. If he's in a movie I watch it and maybe purchase it. This movie is " rough "! I decided to share it with some of my friends, but they didn't like the cruelty and some of them stopped it in the middle. Well, life is and was violent, so have we come so far as it doesn't exist? How was the frontier settled without it? I suggest that this story does have lessons to be learned. Can a person learn to repect, love and begin to see life differently then how he/she was raised? An interesting study of a woman, who sees within the heart of a man. Beautiful scenery. Nice depiction of early life in the west. If you liked " The Unforgiven " you will love Gene Hackman in this portrayal of a rugged westerner., I wait patiently for the day they release this movie and "The Grey Fox" onto D...
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