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Dune 2000

Dune 2000

Dune 2000 Real time strategy. Ply on definitive battleground for conbat craving Internet gamers. Choose from 3 different sides to play. New 16 bit high color graphics. Over 40 missions
This was the RTS that got me into the genre. In this day and age it appears graphically challenged but it is a fun game to play. Any fan of the C&C games will immediately feel at home with the user interface and the missions are laid out in a way that lets you play a different game each time. The selection of available units to build isn't overwhelming as some of the newer RTS game can be. To me, an all around great game and still one of my favorites. Long live the fighters!, I still like playing this game. It is simple to learn and fun to me. the newer games have way too much going on.
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