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Star Wars Exclusive Saga New Hope Red Leader X-wing Fighter

Star Wars Exclusive Saga New Hope Red Leader X-wing Fighter

Star Wars Exclusive Saga New Hope Red Leader X-wing Fighter rare and exclusive x-wig fighter from the original Saga collection, Brand sagaexclusive ship VERY hard to find in mint condition
I love this X-wing because its scale and accurate. The guns are a ltttle loose so glue them in permanantly but then harder to dissassemble. I wold have prefered an R2 unit to come with it instead of that generic pilot. The wings when closed dont seem to close all the way like the power FX version. Will the wings sag over time like the power FX version? Probably but only time will tell. Best advice is if its not displayed stand it up on its engines. I love scale starships for starwars, thats why I got 4 of these, 5 if you count the power FX one in my collection. If I had space and room and get 5 more, I cant go back to the older X-wing thats being rereleased soon(I dont know why). The only thing left Id like to see is a scale Millenium Falcon (wouldnt we...
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