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Martin Scorsese presents The Blues - A Musical Journey

Martin Scorsese presents The Blues - A Musical Journey

Martin Scorsese presents The Blues - A Musical Journey MARTIN SCORSESE PRESENTS THE BLUES - DVD Movie, Brand Sony
I couldn't stop watching (and listening!). Very interesting and great blues music/history. 3am in the morning and there I am putting the next DVD in to watch some more. If you have any interest in blues music, you will thoroughly enjoy this set., No one is going to be 100% pleased with this movie, but I personally appreciate the efforts of all to put it together and found it to be full of unexpected delights. I agree with one of the reviewers that the footage of Skip James is worth the the price of the entire set alone. I also take issue with some reviewers that decried the inclusion of Lulu singing the blues - it was very soulful, and in fact, brings home the point that the English were paying attention to, and moved by the blues, when most of America was glued to sonic bubble-gum. Those that whine and whimper endlessly about...


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