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Diablo 2

Diablo 2

Diablo 2 Evil Has Survived...An Epic Game of Role Playing Actionand Adventure!Product InformationAn Epic Game of Role Playing Action and Adventure!After possessing the body of the hero who defeated him Diablo resumeshis nefarious scheme to shackle humanity into unholy slavery - this timeby setting out to free the other Prime Evils Mephisto and Baal. As AmazonSorceress Necromancer Paladin or Barbarian you must put a final endto Diablo and his evil brethren - even if you must follow them into theburning hells themselves.In Diablo II players return to a world of dark gothic fantasy. As oneof five distinct character types players will explore the world of DiabloII journey across distant lands fight new villains discover new treasuresand uncover ancient mysteries. Product FeaturesFive New Character Classes with Unique AbilitiesBattle Hell's minions as the Amazon Sorceress Necromancer Paladin orBarbari...
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