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Todays Caregiver

Todays Caregiver

Todays Caregiver National magazine addressing the needs and concerns of caregivers, and dedicated to those caring for loved ones with Alzheimers, cancer, AIDS, and other threatening diseases.

Stay In Boston And Care In Bangalore- Caregiving 2.0

The last few decades have seen more number of Indians migrating to the western shores as the world gets flatter. Numerous opportunities in every imaginable fields have helped Indians to showcase their talent abroad and win accolades for themselves as well as the country. However, this situation has resulted in an unique social scenario in the country where today there are millions of elderly parents whose children have migrated abroad fighting a lone battle with age as well as the healthcare system to manage with their healthcare needs.  Well you would ask "Why so? " Well that's because the Indian healthcare system stands out ...


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