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Sesame Street - Let's Make Music

Sesame Street - Let's Make Music

Sesame Street - Let's Make Music Studio: Genius Products Inc Release Date: 04/06/2004 Run time: 40 minutes Rating: Nr, Brand GENIUS PRODUCTS INC
As a musical family, my husband and I enjoy this video as much as my daughter does! Members of Stomp and other Sesame Street clips show us that music is all around us--we can make music with anything! All the rhythmic clapping, tapping, banging on pots (always a fun toddler activity), and singing really keep my 17 month old daughter enthralled. We're thrilled, because my husband and I really hope she develops the love of music we have. Even if you're not pushing music at home, it's very entertaining for the young ones, and a good video to add to your Sesame Street library!


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